RPi Chessboard

This is a stand-alone chess computer project using magnetic sensors, LEDs, and a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. 


This hardware is based on a magazine article "An Electronic Chessboard Using RGB Strips and Hall Effect Sensors", published in the January 2017 issue of "Nuts & Volts". The PCB was ordered from the ExpressPCB manufacturing service without any modifications.

Hardware changes made to the magazine article project:



The magazine article includes Teensy software appropriate for a chess game played between two human opponents. The LEDs indicates legal moves to help novice players. But I wanted a chessboard that lets a human compete against a computer opponent. The Teensy did not have enough resources to play a competant game of chess, hence the need for a Raspberry Pi running PicoChess software.

PicoChess can connect to a variety of commercial chessboards. To allow PicoChess to work with this chessboard, I wrote Teensy software that implements the protocol used by the DGT Revelation II.

See "RPiChessboard.ino" in the files section below.

Raspberry Pi


This project uses the Teensyduino variant of the Arduino IDE which is required for Teensy microcontrollers. It is also necessary to install the WS2812Serial library.